
Replica Thata Budh Gaya Nay Pyi Taw

Phwar Thata
Client Name - Nay Pyi Taw City Development Commetee
Location - Beside Nay Pyi Taw Tat Kone Road
Building Type - Reinforce Concrete
Measurment - 15457 Sq Feet
Start Date - 2013
End Date - 2015

         Besides of other projects in Nay Pyi Taw, A.C.E Construction also built the Thatta Thattaha Maha Bawdi Pagoda, an emblematic complex of monuments of the Buddhist religion. This complex is composed of 4 buildings representing the 4 most importants steps of Buddha’s life:
- Birth place of Buddha
- The place of Enlightenment
- The place where Buddha preach first Dhama to 5 Sanga
- The place where he passed away
         This complex of monument has been constructed on the Oattaryanthi hill in the North of Nay Pyi Taw to facilitate the pilgrimage of Myanmar people. A.C.E Construction went to India and Nepal to observe, take measurements and using 3D-image processing to reproduce the exact same religious buildings. This work has been realized with success and is now one of the landmark of Myanmar, allowing Buddhists to practice their religion easily.
         This complex includes 4 sites representing the 4 important steps of Buddha’s life. It consists of an exact reproduction of existing buildings in India, where we went to take measurements and use 3D-image process to reproduce the same precise design.

Pwint Thata
Client Name - Nay Pyi Daw City Development Commetee
Location - Beside Nay Pyi Daw Tat Kone Road
Building Type - Reinforce Concrete
Measurment - 18184 Sq Feet
Start Date - 2011
End Date - 2013

Haw Thata
Client Name - Nay Pyi Daw City Development Commetee
Location - Beside Nay Pyi Daw Tat Kone Road
Building Type - Reinforce Concrete
Measurment - 25002 Sq Feet
Start Date - 2013
End Date - 2015

San Thata
Client Name - Nay Pyi Daw City Development Commetee
Location - Beside Nay Pyi Daw Tat Kone Road
Building Type - Reinforce Concrete
Measurment - 11424 Sq Feet
Start Date - 2013
End Date - 2015

ACE Group of Companies
ACE Construction Group
ACE Hotels and Tourisim Group
ACE Machinery Group
Myanmar Businet Development

ACE Construction Group

  • No. 5 , Shwe Thitsar Road ,
  •     DekkhinaThiri Township ,
  •     Nay Pyi Taw Myanmar.
  • Tel : +95 67 8100104 Fax : +95 67 8100105
  • Email :info@aceconstructionmm.com