
" Sapal Road Concrete Work"

Nay Pyi Taw ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ATOP Conctruction Which is one of the ACE Group of Companies has been Constructed Road at Sapal Road since June 2022. It is 4900 feet ; learnt that it will be finished on September 2022. Contact us for more details; Email.bcc.atop@gmail.com hone - Phone - +959 ~ 40 88 66 811 40 88 66 822 40 88 66 833 40 88 66 855

" Six Units Four Storeyed ( 2 Beds ) RCC Residential Building"

Nay Pyi Taw ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ATOP Conctruction Which is one of the ACE Group of Companies has been building Six Units Four Storeyed ( 2 Bed ) RCC Residential Building at Ministry of Mines ( Pyinmana ) since December 2020. It is 21048 square feet , made of RC Structure; learnt that it will be finished on October 2021. Contact us for more details; Email.bcc.atop@gmail.com Phone - 067-8100104

" Three Storeyed RCC Dortimory Building"

Nay Pyi Taw ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ATOP Conctruction Which is one of the ACE Group of Companies has been building Three Storeyed RCC Dortimory Building at Nursing Training School ( Nay Pyi Taw ) since December 2020. It is 24320 square feet , made of RC Structure; learnt that it will be finished on September 2021. Contact us for more details; Email.bcc.atop@gmail.com Phone - 067-8100104

" Four Units Five Storeyed RCC Residential Building"

Thu Kha Waddy Housing Estate ( Nay Pyi Taw ) ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ATOP Conctruction Which is one of the ACE Group of Companies has been building Four Units Five Storeyed RCC Residential Building at Thu Kha Waddy Housing Estate ( Nay Pyi Taw ) since December 2020. It is 17467.5 square feet , made of RC Structure; learnt that it will be finished on December 2021. Contact us for more details; Email.bcc.atop@gmail.com Phone - 067-8100104

" Nay Pyi Taw Development Bank ( Lewei )"

Nay Pyi Taw Development Bank ( Lewei ) ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ATOP Conctruction Which is one of the ACE Group of Companies has been building Nay Pyi Taw Development Bank ( Lewei ) at Nay Pyi Taw since August 2020. It is 2800 square feet , made of RC Structure; learnt that it will be finished on January 2021. Contact us for more details; Email.bcc.atop@gmail.com Phone - 067-8100104

" Thantaman Zone Road Concrete Work"

Nay Pyi Taw ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ATOP Conctruction Which is one of the ACE Group of Companies has been Constructed Road at Thantaman Zone since March 2020. It is 18790 feet ; learnt that it will be finished on July 2020. Contact us for more details; Email.bcc.atop@gmail.com Phone - 067-8100104

" Four Units Four Storeyed RCC Residential Building"

Thu Kha Taw Win Housing Compound at Nay Pyi Taw ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ATOP Conctruction Which is one of the ACE Group of Companies has been building Four Units Four Storeyed RCC Residential Building at Thu Kha Taw Win Housing Compound ( Nay Pyi Taw ) since December 2019. It is 10536 square feet , made of RC Structure; learnt that it will be finished on October 2020. Contact us for more details; Email.bcc.atop@gmail.com Phone - 067-8100104

" Six Units Four Storeyed ( 3 Beds ) RCC Residential Building"

Nay Pyi Taw ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ATOP Conctruction Which is one of the ACE Group of Companies has been building Six Units Four Storeyed ( 3 Beds ) RCC Residential Building at Nay Pyi Taw since December 2019. It is 11560 square feet , made of RC Structure; learnt that it will be finished on October 2020. Contact us for more details; Email.bcc.atop@gmail.com Phone - 067-8100104

" Central Naypyitaw Complex Construction Project"

ACE Construction Group ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

Central Naypyitaw Complex Construction Project

" Dhamma WiNaYa Center Project"

ACE Construction Group ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

Dhamma WiNaYa Center Project at Hlegu , Yangon.

" Waziyar Nanda Dhamma Center project "

ACE Construction Group ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

Waziyar Nanda Dhamma Center project at Oaktharathiri Township, Naypyitaw.

" Complain Section ဖွင့်လှစ်ကြောင်းကြေငြာခြင်း"

ACE Construction Co.,Ltd ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

" Meeting with Engineers and Contractors "

Waziyananda (Thubawdoyone) monastery ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

On 21 Oct 2017 , At Waziyananda (Thubawdoyone) monastery construction near Khawa Nyo Round about Ottarathiri Township Nay Pyi Taw , Senior President U Tint Hsan of A.C.E Group of Companies gave the guide lines to the contractors from A.C.E Construction Group Co;Ltd , senior engineers and new engineers about the responsibility & authority of engineers and contractors.
Contact us for more details;

" Update News"

Daw Khin Kyi Women Hospital Building ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

A-Top Co, Ltd, which is one of A.C.E Group of Companies has been building new two storeyed -building at Daw Khin Kyi Women Hospital on BoGyoke Museum Street , Bahan Township Yangon since March 2017.It is 9794 square feet, made of steel structure ; learnt that it will be finished on Sep 2017.
Contact us for more details;

" Update News"

Ngar Su Taung in Hlegu Township, Dhama Winaya Center ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

Near 7-Mile 6 - Furlong of Yangon -Mandalay Express way at Ngar Su Taung in Hlegu Township , ACE Construction Group contained ordination hall, Religious Community Hall , Presiding Room , Sanga Rooms, Superintendence Guest Hall, Yogi Hall, Clinic, Dining Hall and Kitchen construction work started at (2.9.2015) and finished at (13.3.2016) . As additional work 2 rooms for Visiting Presiding , Pagoda , Library for Buddhist scriptures and research are being kept on. Visiting Presiding constructing work started at (10.3.2017) and finishing at (15.10.2017) . Pagoda constructing work started at (1.2.2017) and finishing at (30.10.2017) . Library for Buddhist scriptures and research constructing work started at (26.3.2017) and finishing at (28.2.2018) .
Our company can fabricate high quality religious and holy structure and we would like to share this good news for donors.

" Update News"

Zee Kone Two Storeyed Building ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

On June 2017, ACE Construction Group Company Started construction 2 storeyed building ( RC Concrete ) Treatment ward , Zee Kone Township , Thayawadi District , Bago Division. The Area of Treatment ward is 7772 Square feet. It is learnt that Treatment ward will be finished on October2017.
Contact us for more details;

" Update News"

Application Form ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction is encouraging the development of its employess and their skills by organizing many kinds of training courses such as Engineering, Structure , Safety , Quality Control , Service ethic , Office work , Accounting , English Language , Internet , Email and Phone operation . A.C.E ready to face the 21st Century and its challenges of new technologies and ready to welcome foreign investments.
We also mention following application form for the Engineers who want to join with as can contact by on line.
Contact us for more details;
Phone:0 67-8100104

" Update News"

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate ( 19-02-2025 )       Share on Facebook

ACE Construction Company Limited , member of ACE Group of Company hold the ISO 9001:2015 certificate examined and awarded by Bureau Veritas Co.,Ltd, Thailand . ACE Construction Company is reaching to international standard level and warmly welcome to developers and investors for great opportunity and benefit. For details contact following phone and e-mail address. www.aceconstructionmm.com bcc@aceconstrucionmm.com Phone: 067-8100104

" Pre-Inspection for ISO "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 7.6.2017 )       Share on Facebook

On 6 June 2017, Mr. Maroot Juarthong & Mr. Dhanawat Pholsilp, External Auditor, Bureau Veritas Certification Co., Ltd, Thailand pre-inspected to A.C.E Construction Group Co., Ltd for ISO (9001:2015). The concern team members from A.C.E Construction sat for the pre-inspection meeting.

" News "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 30.5.2017 )       Share on Facebook

ATop construction company, which is a branch of A.C.E Construction Group Co., Ltd is starting the construction project of Daw Khin Kyi women Hospital at Bogyoke Aung San Museum Street, Bahan township Yangon, on Feb 2017. That hospital is two-storey steel structure building. A.C.E construction Group Co., Ltd gives the service to their customers more than expecting and trying the best for the customers' satisfaction. So, please offer A.C.E Construction Group Co., Ltd to improve your business and for your brighter future.

" News "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 26.5.2017 )       Share on Facebook

According to Senior President U Tint Hsan's instruction, A.C.E Construction Group co-operated and opened the international standard Training courses for employees with Chinese Technicians, on 23rd of May 2017. They are 1. Mason Training Course
2. Carpenter Training Course
3. Electronic Training Course
4. Painting Training Course
5. Steel Structure Training Course
Opening Ceremony was held at the Hotel Royal A.C.E Meeting Hall at 9:00 AM. Senior President U Tint Hsan gave the speech, CEO, Managing Directors of A.C.E Group of Companies, Officials, staff and 83 trainees attended. The Training courses will be ended in 4th of June 2017.

" Update News "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 16.5.2017 )       Share on Facebook

A.C.E construction Group will build Waziyar nanda (Thuborda Yon) monastery on the land of 20.826 acres ,including presiding monk villa, ordination hall community hall for religious purposes, guest house for reverend monk sang ward, administration office ,lecture hall, male yogi ward, female yogi ward, elinic dining hall, kitchen in the monastery close to Khwar Nyo round-about at Oattara Thiri Township .Now A.C.E construction Group is starting work of landscaping and survey .

" Update News "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 9.5.2017 )       Share on Facebook

Full-moon day of Kasone is an auspicious day on which our Lord of Buddha was born and attained the Enlightenment. At the same time, all the flowers in he world were bloomed. Thus, we, A.C.E Construction wish all of our clients, partners and colleagues to have blooming-luck continuously and be smell the flower from now on.

" Update News "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 10.4.2017 )       Share on Facebook

All the teams of A.C.E Group of Companies, A.C.E Construction, A.C.E Machinery, Myanmar Businet Development and A.C.E Hotels & Tourism would like to wish all the best to our delighted clients, partners, contractors and employees
Happy Thingyan Festival of Myanmar New Year 1379!

" Training "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 4.4.2017 )       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction Group offers several trainings to skilled labour to build standard, magnificent and superb buildings as international standard. On 22nd March 2017 at A.C.E Head Office Multifunction Hall, started mason basic training, carpenter basic training, deform bar bending basic training, steel structure basic training and aluminium structure basic training. Candidates attend the training with theoretical and practical exams from 1.4.2017 to 2.4.2017 as a test of qualification.

" Update News "

Nay Pyi Taw (24 March)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Group of Companies announced to its employees that the water festival holiday will start from the 12.4.2017 to 23.4.2017. On Monday 24.4.2017, all employees will have to attend the office.

" Training "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 23.3.2017 )       Share on Facebook

Opening ceremony of Basic Trainings giving prize to outstanding trainees and , display of construction materials celebrate on 22.March.2017 at Multifunction Hall in A.C.E head office compound.Serior President U Tint Hsan attend the opening ceremony give speech and award to winners. Trainings are
No(3) Mason Basic Training
No(3) Carpenter Basic Training
No(3) Deform Bar binding Basic Training
No(3) Steel Structure Basic Training
No(1) Aluminium Basic Training and attend C.E.O ,Managing Directors of companies,high rank officers, staff, contractors and trainees attend and half basket of rice is given to every trainee.

" Training "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 23.3.2017 )       Share on Facebook

Opening ceremony of Basic Trainings giving prize to outstanding trainees and , display of construction materials celebrate on 22.March.2017 at Multifunction Hall in A.C.E head office compound.Serior President U Tint Hsan attend the opening ceremony give speech and award to winners. Trainings are
No(3) Mason Basic Training
No(3) Carpenter Basic Training
No(3) Deform Bar binding Basic Training
No(3) Steel Structure Basic Training
No(1) Aluminium Basic Training and attend C.E.O ,Managing Directors of companies,high rank officers, staff, contractors and trainees attend and half basket of rice is given to every trainee.

"Private Housing Estate, Nay Pyi Taw (2009-2011) "

Nay Pyi Taw (2009-2011)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction Group invested and developed over 50 projects of private housing in Nay Pyi Taw, on one or two levels with international standards and sometimes equipped with swimming pools.

" Update News "

Yangon ( 1.3.2017 )       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction is in charge of constructing a new exciting project in Yangon, one of the biggest Museum of the South East Asia. A.C.E Construction started the pile work of ZayKaBar Museum in January 2017 at Khayaepin Street, Mingaladon Township, Yangon Division.

" Update News "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 1.3.2017 )       Share on Facebook

We offer following work for construction with our experienced and skilful Engineers. Drawing the architectural design for beautiful modernized and international Standard building. Construction by P.A.E system such as complex,Duplex,Bungalow. Apartment Building,condominium,Plant,Factory,Hotel,Resort,Hospital,Government Office and Building. Religious Building, Buddha Statues,Pagodas and Monument building.

" Concerete Q.C test Competition "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 23.2.2017 )       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction organized a concrete Q.C. test competition in the Multi Functional Hall of our office in Nay Pyi Taw. It was held on the 21st of February 2017 after a session of training.

"New Projects "

Nay Pyi Taw ( 15.1.2017 )       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction Group has been constructed as a 5 stars rating hotel , the Hotel Royal ACE in Nay Pyi Taw.A.C.E Construction started to develop new projects, such as a middle scale hotel of 200 rooms on 6 stories near the Hotel Royal ACE.

" Anatazina Sedi Pagoda "

Hlegu (January 2017)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction Group is constructing the Anatazina Sedi Pagoda at Ngar Su Taung in Hlegu Township, close to the Yangon- Mandalay High Express Way at 7/6 Mile post. The pagoda is made of reinforced concrete, the area of the building base is 28389 Sq. ft and the area of 1st plinth is of 5419 Sq. ft. The pagoda is being built on the 2nd plinth. There are many Buddha images with throne , and stone inscriptions situated around the pagoda platform. The height of the pagoda is 54 foot. This project started in January 2017.

" Building Myaung Mya Hospital "

Myaung Mya (February 2017)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction Group is going to build the project of a Hospital in Myaung Mya Hospital compound beside the U Ba Cho Road at Myaung Mya Township in Ayeyarwaddy Division starting in February 2017.
The project includes a main building of four stories as well as a residential building of four stories (including 16 apartments). The two buildings are made of isolated foundation concrete. The area of the main building if of 51 136 Sq.ft and the residential building of 11 133 Sq.ft. A.C.E Construction is currently starting the survey work.

" Launching new trainings to upgrade the quality of staff skills "

Naypyitaw (27.1.2017)       Share on Facebook

The Senior President of A.C.E Group of Companies and the Managing Director of A.C.E Construction are launching new trainings to upgrade the quality of staff skills. On Thursday, 26 of January 2017, our group opened the following trainings:
    1. Water Supply and Sanitation system basics
    2. Basic Electrical work
    3. Mason Training
    4. Carpenter Training
    5. Deform bar bending Training
    6. Steel Frame work Training
Our Senior President U Tint Hsan gave a speech during the opening ceremony. The Managing Directors from A.C.E Group of Companies, all Department Leader and 262 trainees attended the opening ceremony and shared a lunch in the food court of A.C.E Tower.

" Our Services "

Naypyitaw (21.1.2017)       Share on Facebook

The aims of A.C.E Construction are: -Offer the best management and supervision to complete projects on time
-Work with latest technologies and build best quality construction
-Offer a reasonable price and the best service to clients over their expectations.
-Customer satisfaction is of prime importance
We are undertaking the following services for the satisfaction of the customers:
* Drawing and design of buildings
* Estimating the cost of project: equipment, material, labour charges and detail calculations
* Preparing the land for building and doing survey
* Supervising for the best quality building with latest technologies
* Civil work (RC structure/steel structure)
   -Water supply and sanitation work
   -Electrical work
   -Interior decoration work
   -Inspection for building (QA/QC) and safety work

" Welcome to Contractors "

Naypyitaw (17.1.2017)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction is constructing many buildings projects around the country. We are cooperating with private and public entities to develop both social and economic sectors. A.C.E Construction has a good message to the contractors who are doing business as carpenter, mason, deform bar bending, steel structure, ceiling work, painting, wiring or plumbing.
    The aim of A.C.E Construction is to build high standard, sturdy and magnificent buildings within the time delimited by the clients. A.C.E Construction invested a lot in the construction sector and constructed modernize and high standard buildings, splendid housing projects, high class hotels and religious edifices mixed with traditional Myanmar culture and modern architecture style.
    A.C.E Construction is encouraging trainings by continuously providing classes for carpenter, mason, deform bar bending and steel structure and safety trainings to ensure the quality of the work and the skills of labors. When the final construction is of superb quality and finished on time, our contractors are rewarded with a fair and accurate payment system. We invite all contractors who want to cooperate in the long term with A.C.E Construction to fill-up the application form and obtain the contractor license.

" Welcome to Investors "

Naypyitaw (14.1.2017)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Group of Companies is firmly organized and famous in Myanmar, respected and renowned for being one of the leaders of the economic sector. The company wants to play a big role in Myanmar economic development. With over 3 decades of experience and a great success, we will provide the best service for our clients together with our friendship companies.
     Our large experience and deep knowledge of local market and conditions make A.C.E Construction the ideal partner for any company aiming at developing or starting operations in Myanmar. From our starts in Pathein, through Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw, we always explored new frontiers and ground-breaking challenges.
     Our team of talented managers and workers lead our construction company to the top levels of Myanmar. A.C.E Construction is well armed to overcome the challenges of a new era in a constantly changing world. The perspectives are huge and exciting.
     Today, A.C.E Group of Companies possesses a lot of lands and projects. We have a lot of ideas and welcome yours to develop these projects and build together the future of Myanmar. The opportunities are big, and the potential enormous. We are welcoming partners and investors to be part of this pioneer projects!

" Welcome to Engineers "

Naypyitaw (11.1.2017)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Construction was established in 1988 in Pathein by our current Senior President, U Tint Hsan. The founder of the company possesses a large experience and is recognized for its knowledge and know-how with a BE Civil Engineer and got the title of Professional Engineer and ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer. A.C.E Construction technical manpower consists of over 200 experienced engineers and over 1000 skillful employees. Our company also holds many competent architects and is organized following international standards.
    A.C.E Construction is encouraging the development of its employees and their skills by organizing many kinds of training courses such as Engineering, Structure, Safety, Quality control, Service ethic, Office work, Accounting, English language, Internet, Email and Phone operation. A.C.E Construction is ready to face the 21st Century and its challenges of new technologies and ready to welcome foreign investments.
    A.C.E Construction is inviting all Engineers and construction Professionals who want to join us for the long term and want to get a brilliant future!

" Outstanding Staff Selection Training Course No.(2) Opening Ceremony "

Naypyitaw (5.1.2017)       Share on Facebook

Senior President U Tint San speech and open to the trainee of outstanding training course No (II) at ThanLwin residence, A.C.E Head Office Multi-function Hall on Thursday at 9:30AM CEO, MD of companies, high rank officials and a number of 29 trainees attended the opening ceremony. (1) Engineering (2) Internet and E-mail (3) office work (4) service ethic and generally knowledge (5) Basic English total of 5 subjects will be lectured to the trainees.

" ACE Group of Companies held football matches and dinner party in Naypyidaw respectively to mark the country's 69th Independence Day on Wednesday. "

Naypyitaw (4.1.2017)       Share on Facebook

As a Commemoration of 69th Independence Day all staff participatory football friendly match was organized by A.C.E Group of Companies at 2017 January 4.In this football match including the A.C.E Construction Group, MBD Group company, A.C.E Hotel and Tourism Company, A.C.E Machinery Group, totally eight football teams competed at the A.C.E Head Office play ground at 8:00AM.In the evening also held dinner party to get the unity and friendship among the all staff of A.C.E Group of Companies.

" Acre 220 Project"

Naypyitaw (2.1.2017)       Share on Facebook

ACE Construction Group Company will be constructed Acre 220 Project in Taw Win Yadanar Road, near the Hotel Royal ACE ,Dehhkina Township, Naypyitaw Division in 2017. Around 223.16 acres has been allocated for the project, will be constructed many buildings such as Commercial buildings, Residential building, Shopping Zone and Golf Course Zone.
“ We have a lot of ideas and welcome yours to develop this project and built together the future of Nay Pyi Taw. The opportunities are big, and the potential enormous. We are welcoming partners and investors to be part of this pioneer project!”

" ACE Construction Group will open training to upgrade skills,knowledge and performance of employees ."

Naypyitaw (29.12.2016)       Share on Facebook

According to the guidence of Senior President, ACE Construction Group opening trainings to upgrade the employees skills,knowledge and performance. Starting from January 2017, outstanding staff selection training, steet related job training, water and cleaning basic training, electrical basic training will open.

Outstanding Staff Selection Training Batch (2)

1. Duration ( January 2017 ) ( 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM)
      5 Hours per day , 7 Days, Total (35) Hours .
2. Teachers ( 5 Persons)
      U Win Ko Ko Lwin ( Director, A.C.E Construction)
   U Yan Naing ( Director, MBD)
   U Than Win Maung ( Director, MBD)
   U Aung Thu Hlaing (MIDC)
​   Daw Kay Khaing Tun (Manager, A.C.E Construction)
3. Students ( 30 Persons)
   New appointed staffs who will join ACE in (2.1.2017).
4. Venue
   ACE Head Office, Multi-Function Hall
5. Subjects
   (1) Engineering
   (2) Internet & Email
   (3) Office Administration
   (4) Staff Discipline and General Knowledge
   (5) Basic English Level Course

Steel Job Training Batch (2)

1. Duration ( January 2017 ) ( 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
      8 Hours per day , 7 Days, Total (56) Hours .
2. Teachers ( 2 Persons)
      U Kyaw Zin Htike (ITC)
   U Htike Min (ITC) (Sin Te`)
3. Students ( 30 Persons)
   Contract Labours of ACE Construction Group.
4. Venue
   Zeezawar Plot
5. Subjects
   (1) Theory - Metal/Electrode Classification/Safety
   (2) Pratical- Welding all position/ Gas Welding
      Welding Course ( ISO Standard- Garman Course) ITC

Water and Purification Training Batch (1)

1. Duration ( January 2017 ) ( 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM)
      4 Hours per day , 7 Days, Total (28) Hours .
2. Teachers ( 5 Persons)
      Daw Ame Than (Manager, Engineering Department)
      U Myo Ko Ko(Assis; Manager, Engineering Department)
      U Bo Bo Zin Oo(Engineer, Engineering Department)
      U Htay Naing Aung(M&E - 56)
      U Aung Khaing (M&E - 36 )
3. Students ( 17 Persons)
   Contract Labours of ACE Construction Group.
4. Venue
   Chindwin Housing, Car Workshop
5. Subjects
   (1) Saftey and Work discipline
   (2) Water and Purification Knowledge
   (3) UPPC Piping/ PPR Piping/ MS Piping/ GI Piping

Basic Electrical Training Batch (1)

1. Duration ( January 2017 ) ( 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
     4 Hours per day , 7 Days, Total (28) Hours .
2. Teachers ( 2 Persons)
     Daw Aye Myat Cho (Manager, Engineering Department)
      U Tun Tun Naing (E1 - Leader)
3. Students ( 12 Persons)
   Contract Labours of ACE Construction Group.
4. Venue
   Chindwin Housing, Car Workshop
5. Subjects
   (1) Saftey and Work discipline
   (2) Pratical Electrical Installation

" ACE Construction Group will Construct ZAYKABAR Museum"

Naypyitaw (28.12.2016)       Share on Facebook

ACE Construction Group Company will be constructed ZAYKABAR Museum in Khayaepin Road, Mingalardon Township, Yangon Division in January , 2017 and the type of building is V-Pile foundation, RC Concrete. The museum structure was designed by a French architectural firm . Around three acres has been allocated for the project, which is awaiting approval for construction from the Yangon City Development Commhittee (YCDC) and is set to be completed in 14 Months. The museum will hold paintings from the time of King Thibaw—Burma’s last reigning monarch—Pyu-era pottery, stuffed primates from Upper Burma, and 40,000-50,000 other “rare items.” . The Zaykabar museum could be the biggest private museum in Asia .The biggest in Burma is the government-run National Museum in the capital, Naypyidaw,constructed by ACE Construction Group Company.

" ACE Construction Preparing For ISO"

Naypyitaw (8.12.2016)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Group of Companies and A.C.E Construction have the willing to become one of the leaders of the construction industry in Myanmar. To show this desire and convince our future partners that we are reliable and knowledgeable about our core business, we have decided to apply to be referenced as an ISO company.
On Monday 21st of November 2016, the ISO Team from A.C.E Group of Companies and A.C.E Construction met with the Managing Director of Techno Crest Company, U Kyaw Swar Kyi to discuss about the ISO Certification. They discussed about the process to obtain the certification and what actions we should take to be able to apply for it.
Our company was represented by U Win Ko Ko Lwin, Director of Engineering Department of A.C.E Construction, U Naing Hein, General Manager of A.C.E Advisory and Consultant, and Daw Swe Zin Oo Maung, Daw Khin Moe Wai, Daw Mya Lin, Engineers at A.C.E Construction.

" Outstanding staff selection training opening ceremony"

Naypyitaw ( 23.11.2016)       Share on Facebook

According to the guidance of Senior President, ACE Construction Group HR Department held outstanding staff selection training on 23rd of November 9:30 AM in Munti functional Hall of ACE Group of Company head office. Senior President, U Tint San attended and addressed the opening speech. 81 students attended the training and training period will be 23rd of November to 30th of November with 5 Training teachers. Selection exam will be 2nd of November.

" Fresh staffs welcome ceremony of ACE Construction Company "

Naypyitaw ( 18.11.2016)       Share on Facebook

ACE Construction Company, One of the companies of A.C.E Group Of Companies Limited, starts appointment of new engineers in November 2016. According to the guidance of Senior President, accommodation and facilities were arranged for newly appointed engineers. Welcoming ceremony for those newly appointed engineers was held at the Multi Function hall of ACE Group of Companies Limited head office on 18th of November. Managing Director U Zaw Phyo addressed the welcoming speech of ceremony and COO U Moe Zaw Htut addressed about the motto of ACE Group of Companies Limited and gave the financial aids to newly appointed engineers.

" Kahtina Robes Offering and Donation "

Naypyitaw ( 4.11.2016)       Share on Facebook

Kahtina Robes Offering and Donation had been held in MaharWiSuTarYarma Myoma Zaygone Monestry on 4th November 2016 by A.C.E Group of Companies Family. A.C.E Group of Companies' Senior President U Tint Sann and wife Dr. Htay Htay Nyein graced the ceremony and offered Kahtina robes to Sangha.

" ACE Group of Companies Limited SketchUp Design Competition"

Naypyitaw(3.11.2016)       Share on Facebook

SketchUp design competition of ACE Group of Companies Limited SketchUp Training students had held in ACE Multi Functional Hall on 3rd November 2016. As the first step of competition, students had to answer Material Creation, Design Modeling, Texturing and Rendering.

"ACE Group of Companies will work together with foreign investors "

Naypyitaw(2.11.2016)       Share on Facebook

Starting from May 2016 to Oct 2016, there were 13 meetings of foreign investors groups who would like to work with ACE Group of Companies . ACE Group of Companies is now planning to work together with foreign investment companies in Constuction,Hotel and Tourism business.

"Kahtina Robes Offering and Donation"

Naypyitaw (28-10-2016)       Share on Facebook

Kahtina Robes Offering and Donation had been held in AungThiri Monestry of AungThiri Village on 28th October 2016 by A.C.E Group of Companies Family. A.C.E Group of Companies' Senior President U Tint Sann and wife Dr. Htay Htay Nyein graced the ceremony and offered Kahtina robes to Sangha.

"Visiting of President of China Fortune Land Development (CFLD)"

Naypyitaw (18.10.2016)       Share on Facebook

On Tuesday, October the 18th, U Tint Hsan, Senior President of A.C.E Group of Companies and his team composed of U San Ko Ko Tint Hsan (Vice President), U Zaw Moe Winn (Chief Executive Officer) and U Naing Hein (General Manager), welcomed Mr. Poul Pa, President of China Fortune Land Development (CFLD). Mr Poul Pa was accompanied by 2 persons, they all discussed together in the Headquarter at A.C.E Tower about the opportunities they have to work together. After this meeting, our Senior President invited his guests to the Sky Lounge of A.C.E Tower to share a lunch.

"Award ceremony to reward the best trainees of the 7 past training sessions"

Naypyitaw (17.10.2016)       Share on Facebook

On Monday, 17th of October, our Senior President U Tint Hsan and the Management Team of A.C.E Group of Companies composed of U Zaw Moe Winn (CEO), U Zaw Phyo (A.C.E Construction MD), U Zaw Zaw (A.C.E Machinery MD) and U Ye Myint Tun (A.C.E Hotels & Tourism MD) attended an award ceremony to reward the best trainees of the 7 past training sessions about Safety and Security and Survey Training Course. 22 trainees of A.C.E Group of Companies have been rewarded for their implication and work during these trainings. To continue these trainings, the Human Resources Team prepared two new sessions of trainings. The first session about Safety and Security took place from the 17th to the 19th of October in A.C.E Multifunction hall with 50 trainees. The second session about Survey training will take place from the 17th of October to the 7th of November with a total of 18 participants.

"MOA with China Railway Construction Corporation"

Naypyitaw (15.10.2016)       Share on Facebook

On Saturday 15th of October 2016, Myanmar Business Development (a branch of A.C.E Group of Companies) signed a Memorandum of Agreement with China Railway Construction Corporation to develop together the new office building of Telenor. This new project will be constructed at Hlaing Tharyar in Yangon and the budget is of 14 million USD. During this meeting, our Senior President U Tint Hsan gave a speech and U Chan Thar from MBD and Mr. Zhang Guangqing from China Railway Construction Corporation signed the MOA at the Sky Lounge of A.C.E Tower.

"Visiting of investors from Yun Nan Province (People’s Republic of China)"

Naypyitaw (13.10.2016)       Share on Facebook

On the 13th of October 2016, U San Ko Ko Tint Hsan (Vice President of A.C.E Group of Companies) was glad to welcome a delegation of Investors from the Ministry of Commerce of Yun Nan Province (People’s Republic of China). This meeting was held in the conference hall of A.C.E Tower in Nay Pyi Taw, and U Zaw Moe Winn, (CEO of A.C.E Group of Companies) gave a welcome speech to our guests.

"Visiting of General Manager of China Future Land Development (CFLD)"

Naypyitaw (12.10.2016)       Share on Facebook

On Wednesday 12th of October 2016, our Senior President U Tint Hsan was honored to welcome Mr Chan Chao, General Manager of China Future Land Development (CFLD). Accompanied by the Vice President, U San Ko Ko Tint Hsan and the CEO, U Zaw Moe Winn, A.C.E Group of Companies discussed about the opportunities they have to make a Joint Venture with China Future Land Development.

"Participation to the International Greentech & Eco-products Exhibition"

Naypyitaw (7.10.2016)       Share on Facebook

A.C.E Group of Companies is always looking for new opportunities to develop the company and new partners and investors to work with. Last week, from Tuesday 4th to Friday 7th of October 2016, a team of A.C.E Group of Companies composed of U Than Lwin (Director of MBD), U Naing Hein (General Manager of A.C.E Consultant Group), U Kyaw Min Zaw (General Manager of MBD) and Mr. Mathieu Carteni (Business Development Manager of A.C.E Group of Companies) went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to participate to the International Greentech & Eco-products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia (IGEM 2016).

"Export Acceleration Mission "

Naypyitaw (24.8.2016)       Share on Facebook

To promote and accelerate the business process of company , "Export Acceleration Mission" event held in ACE Group Company Confrence Hall on 24th August 2016( Wednesday) .
50 representatives from Malaysia business group and 20 representatives from ACE Company attended the meeting. U Zaw Moe Win ,CEO of ACE Group of Companies, delivered the opening speech of the meeting . U Naing Hein, Consultant Manager , explained about the current projects and future business plans of ACE Group of Companies. Representatives of Malaysia business group introduced about them, discussed business plans and closed the meeting.

"Prize Giving Ceremony to Outstanding Students"

Naypyitaw (19.8.2016)       Share on Facebook

Our President give oustending prizes to each students in Project Engineer Training Course and Enhancement of Electrical Training Course of ACE Construction Company.

Checking the status of President Building Maintenance

Naypyitaw(18.7.2016)       Share on Facebook

Our Director have checked the maitenanace status of President Building in Nay Pyi Daw. Instructed the requirements for those operations.

Checking the status of Parliament Building Maintenance

Naypyitaw(11.7.2016)       Share on Facebook

Our Director have checked the maitenanace status of Parliament Building in Nay Pyi Daw. Instructed the requirements for those operations.

ACE Group of Companies
ACE Construction Group
ACE Hotels and Tourisim Group
ACE Machinery Group
Myanmar Businet Development

ACE Construction Group

  • No. 5 , Shwe Thitsar Road ,
  •     DekkhinaThiri Township ,
  •     Nay Pyi Taw Myanmar.
  • Tel : +95 67 8100104 Fax : +95 67 8100105
  • Email :info@aceconstructionmm.com